WSA Congratulates – 15 Years of Digital Empowerment Foundation
WSA long term strategic partner Digtial Empowerment Foundation (DEF), led by WSA national expert in India, Mr. Osama Manzar, celebrates it's 15th year of impact. Osama Manzar is the Founder-Director of Digital Empowerment Foundation and Chair of Manthan and mBillionth Awards.
Established in 2002, Digital Empowerment Foundation aims to connect unreached and underserved communities of India in an effort to bring them out of digital darkness and equip them with access to information. With the belief ‘Inform, Communicate and Empower,’ DEF finds sustainable digital interventions to overcome information poverty in rural and remote locations of India, and empower communities with digital literacy, digital tools and last mile connectivity.
In 2017, the Digital Empowerment Foundation celebrates 15 years of impactful work to narrow the digital divide.
Through the award mechanism of the Manthan and mBillionth Awards, DEF selects and promotes best practice in the use of ICT 4 Development in South Asia. That way, DEF shapes the content industry in a way to address the needs of the poor as part of digital normality in the country.
DEF is a lighthouse example of the multiple fruits of the seeds sown by WSA and WSA wishes Osama and his team heartfelt congratulations.