
Call for submissions/nominations

15/5/2024 - 15/10/2024

This is the window for submissions (in the case of WSA Young Innovators) or nominations (in the case of the WSA Award). The WSA Award doesn't accept submissions. Instead, it accepts nominations from WSA National Experts who have a better understanding of their local communities. To be considered for the WSA Award, applicants must either:

  • Contact their local National Expert: there are WSA National Experts in all 182 UN Member States
  • Submit their project to a local contest: the National Experts often host local contests to collect submissions

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Jury Phase

15/10/2024 - January 2025

During this stage, the solutions will be scrutinised by a panel of jurors. The jury will be divided into two phases.

  • Online Jury: during the Online Jury, WSA's network of jurors will evaluate all the solutions to narrow them down to the shortlist
  • Grand Jury: during the Grand Jury, the final winners will be selected from the shortlist

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Winners Announcement

January 2025

During this stage, the final winners will be announced and uploaded to the WSA database

  • Online Jury: during the Online Jury, WSA's network of jurors will evaluate all the solutions to narrow them down to the shortlist
  • Grand Jury: during the Grand Jury, the final winners will be selected from the shortlist

Global Congress

6/4/2025 - 9/4/2025

During this stage, the WSA Global Congress will be held in Hyderabad, India, and the Global Champions will be announced.
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Please note: Regarding timeline of appplication and submission of projects to the WSA

  • Taking part in the WSA is eligible by being nominated by a WSA national expert.
  • The WSA national experts select in a democratic process which solutions will be nominated for each respective WSA category.
  • Deadlines for national submission of application for WSA may vary locally. National deadlines can be earlier than the communicated international WSA call deadline. WSA national experts are entitled to set independent national deadlines for application to WSA.
  • Registration, including submitting project information, must be completed online via the WSA contest database in coordination with the communicated international WSA call deadline.

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