iX3 – Migration and Inclusion

In recent years, global challenges such as conflict, insecurity, and climate change have propelled significant forced migration. By the end of 2020, the number of international migrants exceeded 281 million, and in 2021, 59 million were internally displaced. Despite the varied reasons behind migration, individuals navigating these journeys often confront vulnerability, exploitation, and restricted access to essential services. Many migrant workers find themselves in precarious jobs, grappling with insecurity and poor working conditions.
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Migrants: Catalysts for Prosperity and Innovation

These unsafe migration pathways persistently lead millions on perilous journeys. Yet, migrants emerge as substantial contributors to prosperity, innovation, and sustainable development in their countries of origin, transit, and destination. Their financial support through remittances becomes a lifeline for families and local markets, particularly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Notably, migrants play indispensable roles in the labor market, evident on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recognizing the Crucial Role of Migrants in Development 

Recognizing the need to amplify migrants' contributions to sustainable development, collaborative efforts are imperative to enhance migration governance and address associated challenges. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) stands as a framework to unlock the potential of human mobility. Each year on December 18, International Migrants Day is observed globally, underscoring migrants' vital contributions while shedding light on the obstacles they confront.

Connecting Through Inspiration: Join us at iX3! 

On this significant date, December 18, the WSA community invites you to iX3 – a dedicated event on Migration and Inclusion. Immerse yourself in impactful stories from WSA winners addressing challenges faced by migrants and displaced individuals. The event showcases talks by three WSA winners whose projects are intricately linked to migration, presenting innovative solutions aligned with UN Sustainable Goals.

Don't miss the chance to connect and be inspired by these award-winning innovations at iX3 on December 18, 2023, at 16:30 CET.

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Co-Funded by the European Union