Join Marko Paloski at the UN Internet Governance Forum
I had the opportunity to attend the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2024, which took place from December 15th to 19th in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The event, themed "Building Our Multistakeholder Digital Future," focused on four key areas:
Harnessing innovation and balancing risks in the digital space
Enhancing the digital contribution to peace, development, and sustainability
Advancing human rights and inclusion in the digital age
Improving digital governance for the Internet We Want
This IGF was particularly significant as it followed the UN Summit of the Future and the adoption of the Pact for the Future and the Global Digital Compact (GDC) in September 2024.
The host country did an excellent job of organizing the event at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center. While there were minor challenges, the overall execution was smooth and well-structured.
I was honored to be invited as a speaker and moderator in several panels and roundtable discussions, representing the Youth Coalition of Internet Governance, IGF Dynamic Coalitions, and the IGF MKD initiative. Below are the key sessions I participated in:
1. WS #227 - Sustainability and Data Protection in ESG Enhancement
As someone relatively new to the ESG domain, I contributed by providing insights from the private sector’s perspective. My focus was on how ESG changes impact businesses and how these shifts should be effectively governed to drive positive outcomes.
2. NS #95 - Friends for Internet: Creating a Better Digital World
In this session, I spoke extensively about online safety and cybersecurity, areas I have become increasingly involved in over the past few years. I highlighted the challenges children face online, particularly as social media platforms like TikTok introduce trends and challenges that many parents are not fully prepared to navigate.
3. Future of Education and Work in the Age of Advancing Technology & the Internet
I had the privilege of moderating this engaging panel, which featured outstanding speakers, including a representative from the Dynamic Teen Coalition. Their perspective was particularly valuable in underscoring the broad spectrum of youth experiences and the importance of including diverse age groups in discussions on digital education and the future of work.
As an Internet Society (ISOC) alumnus, I attended several networking events organized by ISOC. It was a pleasure to meet the new Youth Ambassadors and Early Career Fellows, as well as to reconnect with fellow alumni from around the world. A highlight of the event was meeting Sally Wentworth, President of ISOC, and discussing the organization’s action plan and the future of the IGF and the Internet.
Additionally, I attended multiple sessions with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and WSIS+20, contributing to discussions on the roadmap for the IGF. During the opening session, ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin delivered a keynote speech, and as ITU Generation Connect EUR-Envoy Alumni, we engaged in discussions about our activities, action points for the coming year, and how youth can play a more active role in decision-making processes—especially in the lead-up to WSIS+20, the AI for Good Summit, and IGF 2025.
Another enriching experience was meeting Kuruthumu Kasenya, a fellow WSA Youth Ambassador. Together, we attended various sessions, exchanged insights, and shared updates with the WSA community.
Next year’s IGF will be held in Oslo, Norway, and will be a crucial milestone as it coincides with the twenty-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20). The United Nations General Assembly will also assess the IGF’s mandate, making it an important forum for shaping the future of digital governance.
Attending IGF 2024 was an incredible and enriching experience. It marked my first visit to the Middle East, and I was captivated by the beauty of Saudi Arabia and the dynamic discussions at the forum. The event was a valuable platform for networking, collaboration, and laying the groundwork for future initiatives. I am optimistic that through collective efforts, we can build a more open, accessible, and secure Internet for all.
IGF 2024 Reports:
IGF 2025:
By Marko Paloski, WSA Youth Ambassador in North Macedonia.