
SDG 10: Reduced inequalitiesSDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • Year: 2012
  • Award: WSA Young Innovators
  • Category: Young Innovators
  • Producer: Emily-Anne Rigal & Brandon Turley
  • Country: United States of America



WeStopHate (WSH) is a Realize Inc. non-profit program dedicated to raising self-esteem in teens – teen-esteem – through social media platforms that engage teens to help each other gain confidence. Why? WSH believes teens who are happy with themselves won’t put others down. WSH is more than just an anti-bullying program... It is a call-to-action to stop hate: stop hating yourself, stop hating others, stop letting others, as the pop song says, hate on you. Run by teens, WSH is one-of-a-kind: we get our message out to our audience directly by utilizing well-known teen YouTubers, the perfect role models and trusted sources for teen admirers. While other organizations accept videos from all people, the WSH focus is to continue being for teens by teens, drawing its success from a social media strategy and commitment to teens. As the voice of teens, WSH exists where teens live: online.

WSH has directly impacted the quality of teen life for over 100,000 teens. Its powerful videos and individual video comment section give teens the chance to talk and think together. Teens express their responses and appreciation for each video and share how they have become more open-minded. As a result, WeStopHate has changed lives and is life changing.