WSA is constantly searching to extend its global network.
If you wish to join the National Expert panel or become Youth Ambassador and want to become national focus point for digital innovation in your country, please get in contact with


Expert Tasks and Responsibilities

The main task of an expert panel member is to provide nominations of the best multimedia products or applications from his/her country based on an objective process of judgement, according to the 8 categories and guidelines of the WSA. The eight products (one per category) of each UN member state shall be proposed by entering the data into the WSA online database.

Required Skills

  • High expertise and several years of working experience in the fields of multimedia, content industries, and ICTs.
  • Proficiency in English.
  • Experts shall be very well informed about the WSA initiative and processes, prove high motivation and state a clear reason for their intention to join the WSA.

Selection Strategy

For the selection of the best practice examples from their country experts can choose one of the following strategies:

  • WSA National Contest, based on the WSA rules and procedures. WSA offers for national contests an extensive software package for handling the registration and jury process along with an extensive manual and contest hand book.
  • A cooperation with an existing national contest (adaptation of the categories or establishing a sub WSA contest is required). The winners in the categories can be selected as nominees for the WSA 2023.
  • Selection through a committee/board, established by the expert. The establishment of such a committee shall be reported to and approved by the WSA Office.
  • Personal selection made by the expert and based on an extensive experience and acquaintance with the local content market (for small countries and/or less developed economies only).
Co-Funded by the European Union