Lumko Caesario Mtimde is the Chief Executive Officer of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), a development agency set up to develop media diversity, as partnership between the South African Government and major print and broadcasting companies, and to assist in developing community and small commercial media in South Africa. His experience include working as a Communication Development Consultant after leaving the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) and did some work for, among others, Open Society Institute of Southern Africa (OSISA), AMARC Africa, SACOD, Article 19 and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism of South Africa. From 2001 - 2002, he served as a General Manager / Chief Director (Broadcasting Policy) of the Department of Communications, Ministry of Communications.

Before that, he served the IBA, as a Councillor from 1998 to 2000, following his appointment by the then South African President Nelson Mandela, in terms of the IBA Act. This followed after four and a half years serving as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF). Lumko Caesario Mtimde is a graduate of the University of the Western Cape and the University of South Africa.