He holds an executive MBA (Distinguished Honours) from DePaul University, Chicago, USA, B.Sc. degree of Electrical Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

Chairman and Group CEO of Gulf Future Business (GFB). GFB Group of Companies includes: ThinkSmart For Training, TechoSmart for ICT Services, and WorkSmart for Events Managemet. Has extensive experience in a range of fields including Telecommunications, Banking, Government, Information Technology and Business Analysis. He began his career with Riyad Bank, Saudi Arabia and subsequently worked with Batelco and Asia Computers before joining the Health Information Directorate where he attained the post of IT Director. Mr. Al Hujairy held the role as Acting CEO, Advisor to the Minister of Health on Health Economics and the CEO of Salmaniya Medical Complex.

Founder and Senior Advisor Bahrain Technology Companies Society (BTECH). Founder and Secretary General of the Arab ICT Union. Founder and Chairman of Bahrain Internet SIG. Member of the Bahrain Society for Training and Development. Batelco Group; Ex - board director, and Chairman of the Audit committee. Quality Net – Kuwait: Ex - Vice Chairman of the Board. Umina – Jordan: Ex- Board Member

Co-Funded by the European Union