About GoodayOn: “In addition to solving the problem of finding service providers, GoodayOn is a high social impact platform, facilitating employment opportunities and creating market access for the large masses of gig workers who are in the low-economy class, often left out from digital connectivity. GoodayOn is created so that no one is left behind!”

Alem Abreha is the co-founder of GoodayOn, a platform created by the personal experience of  CEO Alem Abreha with the challenges associated in finding domestic help, such as house maids, baby sitters and home repairs, inspired the original idea for creating a digital marketplace for gigs.


Abreha went on a small research of collecting names and contact information of recommended service providers from his close acquaintances in late 2018. While gathering this information, it immediately became clear to him that almost everyone he asked for this information had to reach out to their social circles to find a good service provider, and in most cases they came short. He came to the conclusion that the lack of digital presence and connectivity for most of the services that are ubiquitously in high demand was ripe for building a highly scalable platform.

This led to the launch of GoodayOn gig platform as a mobile application on September 11, 2020, on Ethiopian New Year, after Tigist Afework joined Alem as co-founder.