Alexander is an Electricals/Electronics Engineer, turned Software Developer/Entrepreneur. He graduated from the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology, where he studied Software Development and Entrepreneurship.


He led a team, which won seed funding from the Meltwater Foundation to start their own software company. Prior to that, he worked in various managerial positions, as an IT director and also a technical director.


When asked about his career, Alex pointed out that he was always that one person with his hand raised, to contribute to the change that the world needs. He volunteered for every opportunity that came along, from teaching, to assisting start-ups, more so out of his desire to learn and gain new experiences.


Additionally, his passion for women's health, through a personal experience, garnered him international recognition for, a web application that contributes to the MDG 5, by sourcing information from health professionals, to prevent maternal mortality in developing countries.


“The new phase of this project looks very promising. We will reach more women in the remotest parts of Ghana. The new sms and voice platform will reach out to over 12,000 women and families across the country, through localized text and voice messages. This platform will inform them when, where and how to seek care and have access to skilled healthcare personnel and Traditional Birth Attendants”, he added.


Without doubt, it was his hard work and desire to make a change that made Maternal Mortality Portal a winner at the 2011 World Summit Youth Award.

Co-Funded by the European Union