Alexandra Petermann earned a degree in Business from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a doctorate in Economics from Freiburg University in Germany. She is currently Director of Fundación Huilo Huilo and has served as CEO of the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve since 2007. Huilo Huilo is a leading destination in the field of sustainable tourism and has earned national and international awards, including the World Responsible Tourism Award, Top 100 Sustainable Destinations and the National Geographic World Legacy Award 2015.

Alexandra provides consultancy services and has taught courses on Urban and Territorial Economics at several universities. She is also the author of several articles published in Chilean and international journals, as well as the book Competition in the Provision of Local Public Goods. She had been part of various policy design entities, such as the Presidential Advisory Commission for the Development of National Urban Development Policy.

She is currently a member of the Center of Public Studies (CEP) committee “Conservation, Institutionality and Environmental Philanthropy” and is Director of the Meso-Regional Program of the Lakes and Volcanoes Scenic Route. Alexandra is on the board of the Friends of Parks Network and was one of the creators of Así Conserva Chile, the country’s first professional association of private protected areas and indigenous peoples.

Co-Funded by the European Union