Ana Mazmishvili is a Senior Budget Analyst at State Audit Office of Georgia (SAOG), which is a government entity supporting the Parliament in public expenditure oversight. Moreover, one of SAOG goals is to make complicated public finance data and audit findings understandable for the society.


For this purpose, SAOG created innovative web-platform Budget Monitor, which enables all users to access comprehensive information in an easy-to-interpret manner. Ana is one of the concept/content creators of the Budget Monitor, which has won World Summit Award in the category of Government & Citizen Engagement in 2017.


Ana holds MA degree in Economics from the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET) and has solid experience in the state budget analysis, performance audit, and economic analysis; In addition, she is engaged in academic activities in the field of economics. Moreover, she is an Executive Board member of Swedish Institute (SI) Alumni Network Georgia, which promotes Swedish study and professional programs in Georgia.

Co-Funded by the European Union