I felt in love with new technologies in 2008 at my secondary school. Despite a legal background (Master in–Public Law); I worked as a freelance, employee and entrepreneur (Managing Director of Digi-Clink, a web agency based in Burkina) for diverse entities until 2018 in the digital marketing and communication domain.


Mid 2018, I founded Yamba Digital Hub aimed at accompanying very small/informal businesses in accelerating their growth through digital marketing and communications (since 2018, we accompanied more than 100 small businesses with low costs/ free trainings and digital marketing services). I also act as a tutor for students in diverse IT universities seeking to defend their dissertations for their Bachelor and Master degrees.


Currently, I am also working for the United Nations Department of Global Communications mainly responsible for digital platforms (website and social media) promotion.

As a digital entrepreneur I have been awarded by diverse entities and invited to a wide range of seminars and conferences to represent Burkina Faso:

  • In 2018; by the company House of Burkina Faso and the National Telecommunications Office for my project Digi-Clink aimed at providing qualitative digital marketing and communication services to Burkinabe
  • In 2018 as the Managing Director of Digi-Clink, we won the 2nd Prize in the Security Category on the national ICT contest called Genie TIC. The solution was a mobile app called SOS DANGER
  • As the founder of Yamba Digital Hub, we have been selected as a Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur in 2019
  • Enterprise of Peace Scholar awarded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for our Yamba Digital Hub initiative aiming at accompanying small /informal businesses in a country facing violent extremism.
  • Peace Ambassador by the One Young World for our effort in enabling economic growth in a context of Terrorism.

I am also currently pursuing an MBA -Management of Information Systems at the University of Zambia with a dissertation focused on how developing countries can benefit from current digital revolution.


Ensuring that Burkina Faso is represented in major ICT instances is a commitment for me because I believe that ICT can really help us accelerate our development and meet the 2030 Agenda.

Co-Funded by the European Union