Lecturer, researcher and producer in the audiovisual and multimedia field. Audiovisual Communication graduate from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Master’s Degree in Digital Arts and PhD Candidate from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). Professor at the Universitat Ramón Llull (URL), Universitat de Vic (UVIC) and at the Master’s Degree in Creative Documentary at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He has been visiting professor at TAMK (Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Erasmus Programme) and research professor at the University of York (Toronto, Canada, pre-doctoral fellowship for research).
His research focuses on interactive nonfiction applied in the case of the interactive documentary. In relation to this genre, he is a pioneer in research, teaching and production. Member of the I-Docs Community (co-editor of I-Docs.org portal) and the I-Docs Conference. He is member of the Digital Interactions Research Group from the UVIC and collaborator of the Digidoc (UPF Research Group). He leads the Final Degree Projects Management on Interactive Communication and serves as a coordinator of the MBA in Interactive Digital Communication and member of the Studies Council at the Communication and Business Faculty (UVIC). Editorial Head of the magazine Ictineus (El Periodico de Catalunya), co-organiser of Musiclip Festival and regular collaborator of the Activa Films production company, the E-week (Vic’s Digital Week) and La Casa del Cine, among other events.
He has worked and collaborated in the production tasks of televisions like 25TV or TVC (Televisió de Catalunya) as well as in production companies like Tasmania Films or MediaPro. He is currently producing documentaries for television and the Net. As for the interactive production, he has collaborated in the creation and design of the navigation system of different portals, with special attention to the one for the UNICA Audiovisual Research Group, the Audiovisual Production Observatory (OPA) and the digital magazine Formats, all of them linked to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He is also part of the Funky Mobile Ideas team, a consultancy firm for the Internet and Mobile Web 2.0 matters (CampusMovil Project). He has also taken part in the showing of visuals in different events and performances (VJ).