My name is Azhar Bacar, passionate about NTIC.


I discover computer in 1999.


Since then, I have been doing volunteer activities in computer science and technology for associations and international organizations. On the initiative of the Municipal Library of Dzahani II, General Technician, TV Animator and General Director of Community Television of Dzahani II, webmaster at the newspaper Al-fajrquotidien. From where I have created the website and optimize their presence in social networks for free.


I started creating websites from online blogs before learning HTML, CMS and all think like servers management…


I am self-taught; in addition to working with Communications Agency as a computer scientist, video master, webmaster, in national and international projects. In particular, videographer at the Energy Solutions meeting; at the Comoros National Assizes and the launch of the Wari solution in the Comoros. As computer technician at the Liaison Office of the African Union in Comoros, at the same time as with the ECES Program of the European Union, the Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania in Moroni, in charge of Communication of the LAMHA Association and most. Recently Technical Consultant to the National Press and Audiovisual Council of the Comoros (CNPA) in the framework of strengthening journalistic capacities towards professionalization of the profession.


Graduate of a DUT in Management Technology in Tourism and Hospitality, I was twice Director of Hotel (Motel-Restaurant and Hotel ***).


However, I feel more useful and comfortable on the News Technology and Information and Communication from (NTIC) where I worked as a volunteer on several community media projects in the Comoros, I framed and trained many youth.


I founded my start-up (c) in 2014; the general idea is to incite and innovate in the field of services in the Comoros and especially to bring a more about the use and optimization of technology for the benefit of society Comoros.

Co-Funded by the European Union