Blessing Ahmodu is a graduate of Early Childhood Education from Nigeria. She is the founder of Mci initiative, an initiative that is focused on Promoting the relevance and need of Early Childhood in Nigeria, amplifying the voices of teachers and celebrating their efforts as teachers. This led to the birth of Teachers Voice , a monthly conversation on social media that celebrates the works of educators and teachers altogether and also facilitates training for teachers to improve their skills, mainly teachers in rural communities. Blessing is also passionate about women's development and girl empowerment which is why She works as the programs manager for Project Rebirth, an organization focused on improving the lives of women in agriculture in rural communities. She is also a volunteer and has many volunteering experiences . She has volunteered for some organizations like the DW Initiative, Pad Up Africa in partnership with the Ministry of Women Affairs in Nigeria. Blessing is driven by growth majorly in underserved communities and her passion to see change mostly when it relates to women and girls development.


She is a 2022 Women Empowering Nations and Girls Leading Our World fellow. Her major drive and passion for creating a change in her community and society at large is because she holds a strong belief that Education is the major key to change the world. When she is not working, she is creating content and reading.

Co-Funded by the European Union