Chitranganie Mubarak is the former Chairperson of the ICT Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA). She played a significant role in the country’s ICT for Development (ICT4D) efforts and drove ICTA’s e-Sri Lanka Development Initiative, a project funded by the World Bank. She led the conceptualization, planning, and management of nearly 250 projects with wide-ranging development outcomes across the country. Many of these projects have gained international recognition for their creativity and impact on society.

Chitranganie is passionate about leveraging technology to improve society. She remains actively engaged in several grassroots initiatives, including two rural BPOs: Jaffan BPO Pvt Ltd and Ontime Technologies Pvt Ltd.

She serves on the Governing Council of the Women’s Research Centre (CENWOR) and currently acts as its Joint Coordinator. Chitranganie is also a member of the Board of the World Summit Award (WSA) and serves on the Boards of the University of Colombo School of Computing, the Mahavilachchiya Education Trust, and the Foundation for Advancing Rural Opportunity.

As a CIArb-accredited mediator, Chitranganie collaborates with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC), the Institute for the Development of Commercial Law and Practice (ICLP), and the International ADR Center (CCC-ICLP IADR Center) to provide mediation services.

Chitranganie Mubarak drives digitization to foster the development of creative minds that help build a society based on inspiration, compassion, and a passion for sharing. With her extensive experience in digitization for development, she offers consulting and advisory services to lead innovative projects that leverage digital technology for the social good, digital content creation, and empowering women in IT.

Co-Funded by the European Union