Choyang Namgay Dolma, a devoted advocate for civil societies, draws inspiration from her invaluable experiences collaborating with local civil societies during her tenure with renowned INGOs like Helvetas and Save the Children. Her academic journey culminated in the publication of her undergraduate research paper on "Sustainability of Public Benefit Organizations and Mutual Benefit Organizations in Thimphu." With a steadfast commitment to effecting positive change within her community, she leverages her academic foundation in development economics, coupled with her creative flair for editing and design, to adeptly champion advocacy and communication efforts aimed at crafting impactful advocacy products for social impact projects. Notably, she currently holds the distinction of being a Rising Star in the WEDU Global Mentorship program, dedicated to eradicating the gender gap in global leadership. Choyang's wide-ranging interests span poverty and inclusion studies, behavioral and social change, and data analytics. Additionally, she is an avid enthusiast of theatre performances and generously dedicates her time to volunteering at events organized by local Public Benefit Organizations.

Co-Funded by the European Union