Christian is Senior Lecturer at the Institute of International Management at FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria teaching Entrepreneurship, Business Development and Project Management/Finance. His research focuses on (corporate) entrepreneurship, university-business corporation and new ways of delivering education/the future of Higher Education. He is project leader of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Austria, coordinator of several EU-wide research projects (e.g. CORSHIP - Corporate Edupreneurship, BizMOOC – Knowledge Alliance on business MOOCs or KTU – Establishing University Knowledge Transfer Units), and developer of business MOOCs (e.g. on Intrapreneurship).

Christian holds a Master´s degree in Business Administration and Environmental System Sciences, a Postgraduate Master´s degree in European Project and Public Management and is Doctoral Candidate at the University of Graz in Business Administration. He is Graduated Adult Educator (wba austria) and  Finalist of the 4th ECEI Teaching Innovation & Entrepreneurship Excellence Awards 2018. He was employed as Educational Manager at the University of Graz for 8 years. Besides academia, he was active in music industries for 14 years on and behind stage as manager.

Co-Funded by the European Union