Dr. Dagmawi Lemma Gobena is Assistant Professor at Addis Ababa University, serving as Head of the Computer Science Department.  He is a strong advocate for development and innovation of usable products (software), which are developed in the context of users with respect to their culture, understanding as well as physical and psychological state while solving their problems. His professional interests focus on system engineering and integration in general. In particular his research and professional interest include HCI, pervasive computing, internet of things and iHCI. His current projects include development of integrated systems for corporate businesses. In this line, he is serving as consultant at ROSE Business Group (www.roseplc.com) and he is developing integration of business lines.  In addition, he is


  • a member of Technical Committee (TC8 for ICT Standards) at Quality and Standard Agency of Ethiopia,
  • National Representative from Ethiopia in the Technical Committee for Education and Training (TC3) of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and
  • Eminent National WSA Expert for Ethiopia since 2009.


In the past, he also served as Vice President (Jul 2006 – Jul 2009) and President (Jul 2009 – Sep 2011) of the Ethiopian IT Professionals Association. In 2013, he was honored with the Best Instructor Award in College of Natural Sciences, of the Addis Ababa University, for his contributions to computer science. In line of his research activities, he has published a number of papers in international and national conferences/journals; and also served as reviewer of research papers for the Advances in Computer - Human Interaction – ACHI conferences.

Co-Funded by the European Union