Active citizen, Fatim, her nickname, participated in making the generation of opportunities as a response to the illegal immigration of young people in Senegal, Morocco, Ivory Coast and Cape Verde. As former director of jokkolabs, She contributes to the development of the initiative in Africa by supporting open innovation and incubation programs.

She organized the global entrepreneurship week campaign in Senegal from 2016 to 2022 and led the organisation of this incredible network. She has been recognized by the authorities of the country for serving. She also build delegation from Senegal and brings the Special council of the president to the GEC in Bahrein.

Her commitment to education is unequivocal and is materialized by the deployment of innovative programs like “Educalab”, a program she implements by supporting women educators, teachers and academics to keep girls in school under a design thinking methodology. She is also the West Africa coordinator of the Africa Code Week initiative that builds the capacity of communities to spread digital education in Africa and teachs young people the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. Fatim had also runned the position of French-speaking representative for the Afrilabs network; She is also co-Founder of Women Incub, an initiative that supports the strengthening of illiterate women or those who drop out of school early to strengthen their capacities and using digital technology to accelerate their projects.

She is co founder of Consotium jeunesse Senegal, the first ever suceessful collaboration between organization leading young people as actor for their development. In the meantime in 2021, she found ACCEENT, an organisation which aim to contribute to education and digital though the continent and by focusing in population skills.
She is working for social inequality and fight against poverty, by leading employability programs and women empowerment.

Fatoumata launched the acceent campus in 2024, to support young people in their career choices, with specific programs such as ACCEENT4ELLES, which helps girls with early pregnancies to reintegrate into society and the workplace.

Co-Funded by the European Union