Frank started with dormakaba in January 2020 and oversees all aspects of product and technology development for the segment EMEA of the dormakaba group on a segment and partly global level. In addition is a member of Senior Management Team for the segment EMEA. His areas of responsibility are dormakaba’s mechanical key systems, electronic access system SW, cloud services, mobile App development, Access Control Hardware development and the research on future technologies.


He graduated with a master’s degree in electrical engineering, has 20+ years’ experience in the management of large multi-national software and ASIC teams. Before he was the Director of R&D for COMNEON (at this time an Infineon Company) and thereafter Vice President of Embedded Security within the Kudelski Group (Switzerland). Before his assignment at dormakaba the managed for 7+ years the complete R&D of the SKIDATA AG in Salzburg, Austria.


Frank is interested in technology & innovation, global developments and social shifts and their impact on future of society.

Co-Funded by the European Union