As founder and CEO of Digital Media Solutions Companies and Manager of eBusiness Solutions Activities for the past 30 years, Gabriel Deek was involved in multiple projects related to eBusiness Infrastructure, Multimedia, Advanced Collaboration, Video Production and Post-Production, and News-Room Automation Systems. He is the General Manager of OmniSystems sal. an affiliate company to OmniTech Holdings and MiDiS Group.


While keeping a close relationship with the Academia, He chaired the Professional Computer Association from 2007 till 2012, acting on public policy, infrastructure and legal framework. President of the Internet Society (ISOC) Lebanon Chapter from 2016 till 2018, he is also a Professor of Entrepreneurship, Negotiations and Knowledge Management at USJ and a member of The MIT-Venture Mentoring program acting on supporting young entrepreneurs.


Gabi left us in February 2022, we will always keep him in good memory!