Juan Ramón Candia (JR) has over 20 years of experience as innovation and sustainability expert, manager of high-performance teams, applied researcher, environmental consultant, entrepreneur, mentor of start-ups, board member, government official, UN expert.  He has worked on various strategic sustainability challenges for a dozen of industries (mining, tourism, banking, retail, chemical, fishing, government, among others) on issues of climate change, water management, biodiversity conservation, remediation on contaminated sites, clean production, performance indicators, among others.  His academic background includes environmental studies in Chile, New Zealand, Sweden, Japan, USA, Finland, Germany, Spain, and The UK.

JR is currently doing his PhD research on Digital Climate Solutions and innovative sustainable business models at the School for Business & Society from the University of York, UK, where he is also a researcher and teaching assistant.  He is also international advisor for BHP Foundation (Australia) and board member of Patagonia Colab (Chile).