Lorenz Inou is a Mechatronics Engineer from Vienna, Austria. He specialised in Green Energy and Low Carbon Mobility systems in his Bachelors of Renewable Energy Systems in Berlin and by working for several Austrian and German Startups the sector as an Engineer and in Marketing. In close to a year of work with the Dornbirn/Austria-based Energy-Institute of the state of Vorarlberg, he switched sides from engineering to public service with the European „e5“-program, pushing municipalities to initiate their transition to more sustainability.


He is a fan of solutions and ideas that enhance efficiency, are fun to use and most importantly, reduce CO2-emissions.


Lorenz joined WSA first in May 2022 at the European Young Innovators Festival, representing Fit Für Immer, a winning company from 2020, with his colleague Benjamin Naurath.

Co-Funded by the European Union