Murshidul Alam Bhuiyan established Team Bertho, a global platform where he gathered the wisdom and anecdotes of numerous individuals by means of visual, audio, reading, and kinaesthetic, and made them available to everyone. It has reached about 550 thousand people and received participation from 79 countries.


Murshidul has received numerous distinctions, including The Diana Award, Asia's Top 10 Young Talents, Top 50 Coolest South Asians of 2022, Global Youth Awards for Educational Innovation, The Points of Light Inspiration Honor Roll, Fellowship at The Queen's Commonwealth Trust, and the UNICEF Meena Media Award for his outstanding administration of Team Bertho. Murshidul's imaginative mind hopes to create an empathic community and plans to grow his network in the future to establish a platform where people can interact through shared experiences.

Co-Funded by the European Union