Nicolás Arrioja developed the first immersive virtual reality video game in Latin America in 1997 known as VRaptor, presented by Alias|Wavefront and Silicon Graphics.


Nicolás worked as a developer for Atari's Jaguar system and developed the first programming language for virtual reality in Latin America, CND-VR.


Nicolás has been a professor at some of the most important universities in Mexico and has given more than 55 conferences related to Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence development in several universities throughout Mexico. He has received 21 awards for his work as a university professor.


Also, Nicolás has a patent related to cinematic interfaces for video games and has written seven books, which have sold on three continents, related to computer graphics, computer programming, artificial intelligence and robotics. He wrote an article on the myths of video games, published in Spain.


Nicolás has developed projects related to computer graphics for different companies and universities in Europe and America and currently doing research in artificial intelligence. He has helped hundreds of young university students to become professional in Machine Learning through the programme sponsored by industrial companies.


Nicolás has the YouTube channel NicosioRed, with more than 1,400 videos on computer programming at all levels. The channel has brought knowledge to more than 150,000 people worldwide.