Dr. Panayiotis Andreou is an Assistant Professor in Computing and the Course Leader of the MSc Data Analytics at the School of Sciences at UCLAN. He is also the Chair of the Innovation and Enterprise Committee at UCLAN and a founding member and co-director of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Science Promotion and Innovative Research Exploration (InSPIRE).
Panayiotis received his PhD from the University of Cyprus in 2011. His thesis received the 2012 EWSN 2012/CONET best PhD Academic Award. He was also a Marie-Curie post-doctoral researcher at ID-Mind, Lisbon, Portugal, in 2012 and at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus in 2011-12. His main research interests include Data Management and Analytics in Networks and Systems, Adaptive Computing and eHealth and Active and Assisted Living (AAL).
Panayiotis has published over 50 papers in peer-reviewed conferences and journals related to these areas. Panayiotis has a strong theoretical and practical background with data management and analytics algorithms and extensive experience in the design, development and deployment of software systems both in the context of research projects and industry projects. More importantly, he has long-term participation in research projects funded by national and international organisations, including the European Union and the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF).
In addition, Panayiotis Andreou has as extensive experience in coordinating and managing projects for national and European projects, having served as project manager, technical manager, WP manager and lead software architect in several EU-funded, national and industrial projects in related projects such as GrowMeUp (H2020-PHC-2014), Miraculous-Life (FP7- ICT-2013-10), SocialRobot (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP-285870), DITIS-2: Collaborative Virtual Medical teams for home healthcare of cancer patients (Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus), FireWatch: Fire detection/prediction of Cyprus forests using Wireless Sensor Networks (Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus), Co-Living (AAL-60-61700-98-009), IPAC (INFSO-ICT-224395), MPower (FP6-034707), LinkCare (eTEN 517435), HealthService24 (eTEN-C517352).