Rhoda Kakoma is an Entrepreneurship Associate at BongoHive Innovations. A holder of a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Zambia. She was a Campus Innovation Intern at Zambia's first Technology and Innovation Hub- BongoHive. She is co-founder of the 500Lives Project, a project aimed at reducing inequalities in the Zambian education system by providing academic resources to the Zambian community schools.


Passionate about the circular economy, Rhoda serves as Student Engagement Co-ordinator for the Zambian chapter of the global movement- Fashion Revolution which aims at creating a sustainable fashion industry globally. She serves as Finimize community host for Zambia and World Literacy Foundation Ambassador for Zambia 2020.


Being devoted to Economic policy management, Rhoda served as a Delegate ambassador for the federal parliamentary republic of India in the Change the World Model United Nations E-conference 2020. Through her willingness to serve others, she has served as an executive committee member of the University of Zambia Business and Economics Association(UNZABECA) since 2019 till 2020. In the same spirit, she also serves as The University of Zambia Volleyball Club Treasurer for the year 2020.


As someone who believes in lending a helping hand to others to make the world a better place, Rhoda volunteers at Woman Up Africa, Impact Hub Lusaka, TedX Lusaka, and The Presson Leadership Foundation. In the same spirit, she promotes citizen empowerment by writing for The Rational Observer, a blog with articles that serve the purpose of breaking Economic jargon for the mere Zambian citizen to understand. She is a member of the ZCAS Toastmasters International Club.

Co-Funded by the European Union