Roberto Carneiro is a former Portuguese Minister of Education (1987-91). He is also a WSA National Expert, and a key member of WSA's community in Portugal.


Recently, he was Chairman and CEO of a private television network and of a transnational Internet company. He is now Chairman of Grupo Forum, a leading multimedia and publishing house in Portugal, and of Eduweb, a eLearning provider in Portuguese speaking countries. Roberto Carneiro has extensive international experience with the World Bank, UNESCO, OECD, Council of Europe and other development agencies. Roberto Carneiro served as a member of the UNESCO International Commission on Education in the 21st Century.


He is a professor at the Portuguese Catholic University, where he also chairs the Study Centre on Peoples and Cultures and is Dean of the Institute for Distance Learning.


In the context of the European Union, Roberto Carneiro was Vice-President of the Information Society Forum, Vice-President of the Study Group on Education and Training, Chairman of the 5-year assessment panel of ESPRIT, Chairman of the Interim Evaluation Panel of INFO 2000, Member of the EU/US co-operation Committee e-learning research network, Member of the 2nd Section of the eEurope 2005 Steering Group, Member of ISTAG – Information Society Technologies Advisory Group, Member of the eLearning Committee and of the Lifelong Learning Stakeholder Group.


Roberto Carneiro is a graduate of the Lisbon Technical University, he conducted his post-graduate studies in the UK (New University of Coleraine and London School of Economics) and is a Doctor in Education/Presentation Fellow of the King’s College (University of London).

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