Digital is the new standard. We are born, we learn, we communicate, we work, we live, with the support of digital technologies. If we want to create a better world, it will have to be using these technologies. If we want to prevent war, to create security, to foster economic growth, to increase social inclusion, we must leverage from digital skills and use them for good. Hence, entrepreneurs, governments, local authorities, established companies must cooperate and use digital technologies to solve real life problems, aiming at higher levels of citizenship and better standards of living.

The WSA program and its World Summit Awards Congress Cascais 2019 will be a step in that direction. Another tribute to the role of digital technology and digital innovation for that better world we aim at creating. APDC, the Portuguese Association that gathers the Telecommunications, IT and Media companies in Portugal, has organized this event in partnership with the Municipality of Cascais and with the NOVA School of Business and Economics, with the Support of the Portuguese Government and various Sponsoring and Strategic Partners locally and globally.

It is our contribution to leverage from the new adventurous spirit of Portugal as “one of Europe’s hottest stars, with tech start-ups mushrooming and investment pouring in”, as The Wall Street Journal recently described us. We are looking forward to a great digital WSA experience at Cascais this year.

Co-Funded by the European Union