When Rudy Laddaga Lopez was a kid he showed interest in movie making and technology. When he became 13 he finished a Technical Career as System Analyst and Programmer and since then technology has been part of his profesional life. Rudy is passionate about storytelling and he is convinced that technology is a great tool to transform traditional formats into new interactive narratives in which the audience can have a more intimate relationship with stories.

Throughout his life he has found the way to balance his professional development as an entrepreneur, developing ideas, projects and products for clients in both the commercial and cultural arena. By developing projects in both markets he has been able to craft a better storytelling technique for marketing his commercial projects.

In 2005 Rudy was selected by the UN World Summit Award as the National Expert for Digital Content. In 2010 he was awarded as Entrepreneur of the Year in Mexico for developing a platform to create the first transmedia mobile guided tour for the archeological sites in Mexico.

Always looking for the next thing Rudy Laddaga Lopez has been working in the last 2 years in projects related with education and 3D printing convinced that both are the right bet for the future.

Co-Funded by the European Union