Slobodan Franeta is an economist and an entrepreneur who is actively involved in promotion of free market and entrepreneurship in Montenegro. He is the founder and the president of the newborn economic organization which is dedicated to developing entrepreneurship as the part of the new economic system that could provide growth in many small countries such as Montenegro.


He is also the founder or the member of many NGOs that are supporting social entrepreneurship and economic growth but most important is that Slobodan is leading his private family foundation that is supporting talented students and future leaders in Montenegro by providing them resources for gaining knowledge and experience in leading businesses and developing private sector.


In his history, he has founded Montenegrin Students for Liberty, students group that is promoting core values of classical liberalism. He is also founder and former president of Montenegro E-Sports Association where he is currently member of Executive board.


Slobodan Franeta is mostly focused on startups that are ensuring environmental sustaiability, achieving universal primary education and eradicating extreme poverty and hunger by using modern technologies. Beside social entrepreneruship, his specter of interets is wide and he is always open for new challenges.

Co-Funded by the European Union