Mr. Unurbat Erdenemunkh graduated from Clark University, Massachusetts, USA, with a Bachelor of Arts in Physics/ Mathematics and from KULeuven, Brussels, Belgium, with a Master's of International Business Economics and Management. Following his graduation, he worked as a physicist in the Research and Development team for Mevion Medical System, the company developing advanced Proton Cancer Therapy technology in Boston, Massachusetts. Since then, Mr. Unurbat worked for several startups as Machine Learning Engineer and Chief Operational Officer.

Mr. Unurbat has been focusing on the last five years on Climate Tech industry and joined URECA PTE LTD in Singapore as Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer. The company's mission is to enable grassroots participation in to fight against climate change. He focuses on how we can use technologies like Machine Learning and Blockchain to create effective and inclusive climate financing for all.

Co-Funded by the European Union