Rescue The Planet
- Original Title: Rescate del Planeta
- Year: 2023
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Environment & Green Energy
- Producer: Sergio Izquierdo, Rocío Ruiz, Alvarlo Loarca, Edgar Dávila, Jose Miguel Izquierdo, Ninotscka López, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Juan Jose Ruiz, Alejandro Jaime
- Country: Guatemala
- URL:
Rescue the Planet (RdP) targets the global issue of plastic pollution, engaging
Latin Americans through social media and education. Using scientific
expeditions and campaigns, RdP raises awareness, focusing on
reaching youth and others who are little invested in environmental causes.
High quality films show how plastic contamination creates a cycle of
adversity, deteriorating ecosystems and communities, forcing migration
due to the loss of traditional resources. RdP produces engaging visual
materials for social and streaming media, mobilizing to take action. Firing
up emotions to inspire change, Rescue the Planet shows how research
and activism might lead to plastic free oceans.