Ajb’atz’ Enlace Quiché
- Year: 2005
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Inclusion & Empowerment
- Producer: Ajb’atz’ Enlace Quiché
- Country: Guatemala
- URL: http://www.enlacequiche.org/
Ajb`atz` Enlace Quichepioneers innovative use of Information and Communication Technologies to empower indigenous communities in Guatemala. By using this company’s application, teachers can create their own teaching material, students can become more active learners and community members can thus reach their full potential. The producers believe that indigenous people can benefit from ICTs, improving their education and skills, if technology comes with content in their language and culture, thus strengthening their identity and self-esteem. Online courses for adults and interactive CD-ROMs for children are what Ajb`atz` Enlace Quiche focuses on.