Ambani Africa
- Original Title: Ambani Africa
- Year: 2023
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Learning & Education
- Producer: Mukundi Lambani
- Country: South Africa
- URL:
- Social:
Ambani Africa is an affordable app for pre-schoolers in rural areas using
the African languages spoken at home. Languages include isiZulu, isiXhosa,
Setswana, Sepedi, and Tshivenda. The magic of augmented reality,
captivating animation, and exciting gamification put learners at the
center of the educational journey. Ambani Africa provides culturally relevant
materials and Africa-centric characters and stories, to foster a
strong sense of identity in children. A targeted ECD curriculum includes
books, lesson plans, animations, songs, and games for children aged 2 to
8. With teacher training and support services, Ambani Africa builds
foundational skills for school readiness.