Apontador Traffic
- Year: 2010
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Media & News
- Producer: Apontador
- Country: Brazil
- URL: www.apontador.com
Sao Paulo is the third largest city in the world and more than 6 million vehicles occupy the city’s streets every day. Traffic jams are normal and it is not unusual that citizens spend more than 4 hours in traffic every day.
Apontador Traffic was developed to provide real-time news about traffic, not only in the principal streets and avenues of Sao Paulo, but also of Rio de Janeiro and of Belo Horizonte. The app also allows the user to access images from traffic cameras and to receive traffic alerts pertaining to the user’s position (geo-localization). Users can also share all the information via e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.
More than 100.000 drivers have downloaded Apontador Traffic to their iPhone, Windows Mobile or android phone, to help them to choose alternative routes and hence diminish traffic jams.