Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Digital Museum
- Original Title: 北京中医药数字博物馆
- Year: 2011
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Health & Well Being
- Producer: Wang Ting
- Organisation: Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine International Exchange and Cooperating Center (BTCMIECC)
- Country: China
- URL:
Beijing Digital Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a virtual museum of popular science in Chinese and in English aiming to spread the culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine as it relates to scientific knowledge. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is said to be actively practised in one hundred and sixty two countries and is increasingly attracting the attention of international medical researchers. As natural methods and low carbon lifestyles become the hallmark of the 21st century, TCM, a veritable miracle of medical achievement, is becoming more and more attractive to discerning people worldwide. In China, no museum about Traditional Chinese Medicine exists, and the few affiliated to educational and research departments are inadequate. For this reason, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine International Exchange and Cooperating Center (BTCMIECC) supported by the Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has built the Beijing Digital Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine after 5 years of cooperation with Beijing University of Chinese Modern Medicine + Advanced TCM Education, and other well-known universities and research institutes. Among the topics included on the website are medical care, acupuncture, health and life, Qigong, Tuina, imperial court medicine, culture and history, cosmetic treatment, education, science and technology, and international cooperation.