Broken souvenirs
- Year: 2014
- Award: Young Innovators Award
- Category: Young Innovators
- Producer: Eman Osama Mohammed-Darkhalil
- Country: Palestine
- URL:
Broken souvenirs is a symbolic archive of portraits showing the long lasting aftermath survivors and war victim’s families and friends experience when "its all over".
the simple idea of the multimedia project depends on a series of portraits style to reflect the missing part of the photo in whatever way the family of the victim choose to give for the lost loved ones in the portrait, in addition to a video interview and audio recording for the testimonies made.
One of the main goals of Broken souvenirs is to get more detailed,personal and symbolic series of portraits and interviews documenting the lasting aftermath on friends and families of victims and war survivors creating a photographic archive in the way the families of victims choose to illustrate their loved ones absence and loss ,trying to express an alternative kind of story telling.
In dependence on the concept that pain has no nation , expanding my project from Gaza to the United States,Vietnam war , 9/11, Armenian genocide,Bosnia genocide ,Mamelukes massacres,Genocide of European Roma, Afghanistan and Iraq war,north Korea,Rwandan,the Holocaust and elsewhere, countries that had experience wars in the far past or the ones that are still known as conflict areas, keep on recording scary numbers for casualties and deaths.
The Idea is to set a reminders telling the sensitive stories of lost souls
examining the ongoing trauma and agony of violence faced by relatives,loved ones, friends and survivors themselves regardless of their religion,colour, race or nationality.
Highlighting the devastating impact these wars,massacres,conflicts and attacks has on our nowadays world and how it shaped present aggression between nations,While the nature and intensity of violence in Palestine for an example_ varied in the 1st, 2nd Intifada and the aftermath of Gaza war Dec.2008Jan.2009 and November 2012, the primary victims who suffered the most in both transitions times in most cases were the same who have faced in the relatively recent past or are continuing to face the dangers of terror and war.
Therefor this project is to make a statement , symbolic one that pain still has no nation and for the sake of the lost souls that needed a hero but couldn't find one, this documentary is to keep history alive but never repeated.