dérive app

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Dérive app  is a simple, but engaging platform that allows users to explore urban spaces in a carefree way. The web-based mobile app facilitates a randomized meander through urban environments by prompting the user with tasks so as to experience one’s surroundings unconventionally, while essentially playing a game. Because the urban experience does not rely on the actual physical location and yet still results in a unique experience, Dérive app is the exact opposite of conventional tourism. This tool takes the ideals of the Situationists and merges them with digital means, in order to induce an unusual exploration of urban space. The app was created to nudge those people who are in a daily repetitive rut of routine activities to allow the subjectivities of others to enter their urban existence. Task cards call the user to search for specific architectural or social points of interest. Users can add their own tasks and their own subjective reality, thus reflecting urban space in a different light. Dérive app aims to improve people’s sense of community and with it, openness, civic mindedness and renewal.