Empower Women and meet Millennium Challenges
- Year: 2009
- Award: Young Innovators Award
- Category: Young Innovators
- Producer: George Onyango
- Country: Kenya
- URL: http://www.sidarec.org/
Empower Women and meet Millennium Challengesis an interactive website that creates an informed and articulate community by improving computer usage skills in slum communities and by making information accessible. The Slums Information Development and Resource Centers (SIDAREC) operates in the urban slums of Kenya and started off as a youth group in 1996 and developed thanks to the spirit of volunteerism and passion for community service, exhibited by its members. The organization aims to utilize and consolidate skills and talents existing within the community especially youth, for the common benefit of slum dwellers. The project “Empower Women and Meet Millennium Challenges“ helps young mothers from slums to get self-conscious and independent in their local community, through income generation activities. In addition to providing start up capital to women and youth, SIDAREC runs other programs which allow young people to borrow library books, give Internet access to do research work and enable children in the slums to learn using the computer and surf.