ePOS-Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System
- Original Title: ePOS-Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System
- Year: 2016
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Government & Citizen Engagement
- Producer: Mr. A. Babu
- Organisation: Department of Food & Civil Supplies, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
- Country: India
- URL: http://epos.ap.gov.in/ePos/
Genuine beneficiaries are getting their entitlements they face hardship due to the following reasons. 1. Beneficiary used to find FPS shop closed when the he wants to take rations, leading to additional trips. 2. FPS declares no stock even when the FPS has sufficient stocks, leading to additional trips. 3. Deliberate under-weighment of the commodities by sales person. 4. Beneficiary may need to spend at least half a day to take commodities because of long queues. The motivation behind the implementation of AePDS is to solve the problems stated above. The description says as its Unique feature. This government scheme has been a great success story as far as connecting the last mile is concerned. In India we have so many poor people and getting them benefitted is our democratically elected governments. This scheme serves a great deal towards that goal.