- Year: 2012
- Award: Young Innovators Award
- Category: Young Innovators
- Producer: Kumbirai Gundani
- Country: South Africa
Funda is an online program that puts together educational resources for students and teachers in South Africa. Students often struggle to take charge of their educational journey, finding it difficult to manage their resources, especially when content is not specific to the curriculum used in their school system. By aggregating local content from publishers, schools, teachers, universities and online resource portals, Funda gets relevant personalised content to students and teachers, who access it through their phones, iPads or laptops in a format that is best suited to them, whether it be chapters of a book, notes, past papers, videos, podcasts or MMS’s. A calendar, the heart of any organised student’s life, is used by Funda for planning, diarising, referencing and keeping on track, giving rise to the Funda TIMELINE concept. Resources are placed in an agenda, with a daily and weekly overview. As educators or users add assignments, tests and appointments, even sports events, to their TIMELINE, automatic updates are created. In the spirit of integrating every party on Funda, students, teachers and parents can access assignments, diagnostic details or results of tests, ensuring that the student report gives a holistic account of the student’s learning experience. In turn, teachers can tailor lessons plans to students’ needs, closing the gap in the education cycle.