Green is the New Gangsta

SDG 13: Climate Action
  • Year: 2014
  • Award: WSA Young Innovators
  • Category: Young Innovators
  • Producer: Joi Michelle Sears
  • Country: USA

The Green is the New Gangsta project, an initiative of Free People International, fuses online and offline action in an effort to spread awareness about important environmental issues, promote a more eco-conscious, ethical lifestyle, and inspire collective, creative action. It consists of five platforms, seamlessly working together to be a driving force behind environmental change: a community based arts programming and education project, a green consulting initiative, a crowdfunding platform, an e(co)-commerce platform and a fully integrated social marketing campaign. The arts platform offers online/offline events, art exhibitions, workshops, lectures, performances, online courses, pop-up shops and creative place making projects.  The green consulting platform encourages social/creative entrepreneurs and business to adopt environmentally friendly, ethical and sustainable business practices. The e(co)-commerce platform offers creative, eco-friendly, ethical, and sustainable “social goods,” inspiring individual consumers to make educated purchasing decisions with a positive impact on their health, the environment and the human rights of all people. Green is the New Gangsta is geared towards empowering the community to take an active role in the environmental justice movement and encouraging social/creative entrepreneurs and businesses to adopt environmentally friendly, ethical and sustainable business practices. With a quizzical turn of phrase, Green is the New Gangsta makes “green” the new currency of cool.