Homeless Nation
- Year: 2009
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Inclusion & Empowerment
- Country: Canada
HomelessNation.org is the world’s first website created by and for the homeless community. This participatory new media project allows voices from the street to engage in peer-to-peer dialogues and convey experiences to the broader public. By sharing similar stories with a network of peers, participants can experience the therapeutic power of self-expression, build self-esteem, and feel a greater sense of belonging. Born from documentary filmmaking, this collection of voices is interactive, living, and constantly evolving; it is designed to build confidence, communities and a sense of control and motivation. Online discussions are meant to spur real-world solutions – the public is asked to learn more about their fellow citizens and take on greater social responsibility. Mobile technology and new media are used to help bridge the digital divide for homeless Canadians, allowing them access to the tools and information necessary for their successful transition from the street.