Hormone check

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-BeingSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Hormone check helps consumers to avoid endocrine disrupters, EDCs, found in cosmetics and personal care products. By scanning the barcode on the product with the phone, the consumer is instantly informed as to whether the product contains EDCs. Hormone check focuses on the 17 chemicals on the EU list of EDCs which are allowed in cosmetics. Consumers are encouraged to report products back to the database. If consumers scan a product and it is not in the database, they can send information on the product using a form provided on the phone or photograph the ingredient list, documenting the EDCs in the product. Consumer may also share information on EDC products with friends on social networks. Since the launch of the campaign in Norway in November 2011, the app has been downloaded 120,000 times and more than 1.8 million product scans have been entered by Norwegian consumers.


Co-Funded by the European Union