I Am Proud Campaign

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-BeingSDG 5: Gender equality
  • Year: 2013
  • Award: WSA Young Innovators
  • Category: Young Innovators
  • Producer: Ms. Katy Ma
  • Country: United States of America



The I Am Proud campaign boldly declares that the media is wrong. Women and girls need to be reminded that they are beautiful the way they are-with eccentricities, “imperfections,” and all; it asks women to realize their intrinsic worth. The goal of the project is to provide a safe haven for women, away from the harmful effects that the media has on womens self esteem. In todays world entertainment, music, and advertising over-sexualize women and preach that all women should conform to one standard in order to be considered “beautiful.” As a result, women learn from a very early age in order to be valued, they need to fit the construct of perfection when really, perfection doesnt exist.