ICT for Illiteracy Eradication (ICT 4 IE)
- Year: 2009
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Inclusion & Empowerment
- Country: Egypt
- URL: http://www.ictfund.org.eg
ICT for Illiteracy Eradication (ICT4IE) aims to utilize advanced information technology to convert the learning content of literacy classes into simple, interactive computer-based tutorials. Basic reading and writing skills are presented in 3 multi-media CD-ROMs, which are designed for both classroom use and self-study. Content is geared especially towards women, who represent more than 70% of illiterates in Egypt, especially in rural and remote areas where the culture mainly prevents them from leaving home for classes. Lessons are designed in such a way that learning activities are embedded into familiar contexts of every day life and are dramatized using sound and music effects. The e-content emphasises relevant topics such as health, education, political rights, environment, and family care. As a result, trainees' retention and understanding are improved and their motivation and interest are maintained due to more satisfaction being derived from the learning process.