iko, The Pupil’s Best Friend

SDG 4: Quality EducationSDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

iko, The Pupil's Best Friend was inspired by teenagers, 11 to 14 years old, and the universal challenge of homework. What emerged is a digital pen which saves pupils’ class notes and synchronises them in a multimedia application with a lot of services: a smart diary, archives for classroom notes and augmented pictures to add to the notes made, as well as videos, pictures, podcasts or definitions which can be added to single words. The digital pen is able to recognize everything the pupil writes. At home, he or she can synchronize the digital pen with the iko application and access many services, organize homework, or retrieve notes made in class. Iko is a project that revolutionizes every pupil’s day: the “help request” function lets pupils ask their class or school friends for help with their homework, enabling co-operation with classmates during homework time. Using the iko network, pupils can share their profile with schools friends, develop new ideas and meet new friends to broaden their local social network and to develop new social competences. By involving users actively in doing homework, iko, The Pupil's Best Friend will definitely increase the effectiveness of teachers’ work and increase the fun of learning.

Co-Funded by the European Union